If you’re like most of the marketers who listen to The Marketing Agility Podcast, you’re putting Agile to work in your company or group—or you’re exploring how to do so. Based on our interviews, having executive buy-in will have a huge impact on your likelihood of success—I’ll share just how much in the presentation below. So, in this post I’m sharing some content that may you win that buy-in.

For most marketers winning buy-in is a process that take time and education. There isn’t a single path to success but at a high level the journey usually starts with education and proceeds through a pilot before unlocking the resources to scale Agile to the degree that it can support business transformation. I cover this in detail in the presentation below which is executive focused.

Before watching that, however, you may want to check out a recent six part Forbes series about Agile Marketing for which I was interviewed along with some other leading Agile Marketing practitioners and advocates:

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