Last week I had the pleasure of joining Frank Days as the new co-host of the Marketing Agility Podcast (subscribe on iTunes). The podcast was actually started a while back but hadn’t been updated in awhile—so I reached out to Frank to see if he’d be interested in revitalizing it with my help. With my book coming out in a few months it also seemed like a great opportunity to showcase some of the marketers I interviewed for the book. In the coming months you can expect to hear from some very smart marketers on the podcast and we also plan on checking back in with some of the folks that participated in the early episodes.

Frank Days

Frank Days

My inaugural episode features Richard Delahaye, director of marketing at Intronis, about his experience implementing Agile (Intronis was recently acquired by Barracuda Networks).  Richard is an example of how technically oriented practitioners are being pulled into marketing. This makes sense because marketing is increasingly technical but also because Agile is more commonly practiced in technical organizations.

Richard ss a former web developer he happily tries to embrace the idea that “you don’t know anything without data to support it.” He shares insights about how and where Agile has succeeded and failed in his group, how the acquisition if Intonis impacted his practice, and how Agile integrates with his planning practice.  In the conversation, I also refer to a 2014 interview with Richard in Openview Labs which serves as a backdrop for where Richard’s practice was about a year earlier. Here’s the podcast … but I encourage you to subscribe on iTunes.

Richard Delahaye

Richard Delahaye

Moving forward, I’ll likely continue making short posts about episodes but you can also find brief summaries at

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